The problem becomes choosing which unintentional porn photo/video to select for the blog, along with the attendant questions assocated with that post. Do women understand that pretty much anything involving a picture of them can - and will - be used as wank material?
So, the first "chicks with guitars" [and I use that term out of historical usage - any one who can rawk - regardless of gender - has earned my praise] post goes to Tuuli - a now defunct Canadian band that came to my attention because of their presence on the Maple Music label (whose most prominent signed band are the Cowboy Junkies). I think...well, I think all four members are hawt. And...they can play - granted, it is on the lighter side, but what the hey. I'll go more hardcore next time. But a big thumbs up to Tuuli - they bring back some respect back to the word "talent".
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