I'm assuming that this posing is supposed to be Wonder Woman and "Nubia" engaging in combat. Looks like Wonder Woman's about to become a real amazon (you know...how the Greek translation of "a-mazos" means "without breast" and how there's the tradition that Amazons cut off one boob to...oh hell, just read the damned Etymology section of the friggin Wikipedia article). Actually, the pose is rather open to interpretation. Could be that Wonder Woman is opening her arms to embrace the glittery Diana Ross lookalike? You decide, but what's with the sword placement?
Speaking of which, how many of us would've been happy to have Wonder Woman in our pocket?

Anyway, the Megomuseum website has plenty of things to see. If you were born between 1970 and 1975, you'll certainly appreciate the kids' outfits on the front page.
In the meantime, as a blog-to-blog plug to neatorama.com, enjoy girls bathing at the KFC.